8by8 – Strategy Games for Primary Education


Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Silva, Jorge Nuno;
Projektleitung intern
Musilek-Hofer, Monika; Hochschulprofessorin Mag. Dr.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2019 – 2021
Aus der unterschiedlichen Sichtweise und Expertise von Mathematik- und Spieldidaktikern erschließen wir Strategiespiele für den Unterricht in der Primarstufe. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Spielen, die man auf 8 mal 8 Feldern – also auf einem Schachbrett – spielen kann. Eine wesentliche Anforderung an die Spiele, die im Rahmen des Projekts verwendet werden, liegt darin, dass sie ganz einfache Regeln haben, die sich in kürzester Zeit vermitteln lassen. Von Spiel zu Spiel sammeln Kinder Erfahrungen, können idealerweise selbständig Strategien entwickeln und diese dann sehr gezielt einsetzen. Während des Projekts erforschen wir, wie Kinder diese Muster und Strategien für die Spiele entdecken, entwickeln Materialien für Lehrkräfte und arbeiten an einem Design für ein Exhibit für das Haus der Mathematik, das als Basis das 8 mal 8 Brett hat.
Beschreibung (engl.)
8×8 (eight by eight) brings together pedagogues, mathematicians, and game experts. Jointly, we are exploring the pedagogical possibilities of simple strategy games for primary school education. We want to promote mathematical, logical, and meta-cognitive skills of children through the use of games.

This project follows previous experience related to games and education like the CHAMPS Erasmus+Project, 2017-2019. We are using a simple Chess/Checkers board, but are introducing a broad range of simple ludic activities to teach games that offer great depth. Our goal is to empower children to discover patterns and possible strategies by themselves. These games can be played with simple materials and, in some cases, even with just pen and paper, which makes them ideal to be explored in the classroom and at home.

Take Slimetrail as an example (you can play it on the left). Two players take turns moving the same piece (here in purple). A move is to an orthogonally or diagonally adjacent square that has not been occupied before. Whoever brings the piece to his or her corner, wins. If you cannot play, because it is your turn and the piece is blocked, you lose.

8×8 has started on 16 September 2019. The project is coordinated by the Portuguese mathematics association Ludus. The partners are the Haus der Mathematik at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna, the regional school administration Académie de Créteil near Paris, and the education and training consultancy ChessPlus in London.

Through feedback based on classroom observation and the response from teachers, we are researching how to best use these games. We are also developing a manual and training for primary school teachers. These will result in two documents which will be freely available for download (you can find a preselection of rules below). You can help us by spreading and using these games!
