Kategorie: Sozialgeographie


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Saxinger, Gertrude; Univ.-Ass. Mag. Dr. PD / Universität Wien
Projektleitung intern
Kowasch, Matthias; Dr.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Auer, Marlene; BA / Universität Wien
Batterbury, Simon; Prof. Dr. / Universität Melbourne
Melcher, Frank; Univ.-Prof. Dr. / Montanuniversität Leoben
Wilson, Emma; Dr. / ECW Energy, Austrian Polar Research Institute
2023 – 2024
Beschreibung (engl.)
“Beyond Hot Air” is an international cooperation project that will establish a dialogue-based initiative for promoting cutting-edge critical, theoretical and applied research on the mining of critical raw materials for the “green transition”, in particular in EU member states. The project will facilitate cross-sectoral and transdisciplinary dialogues across societal stakeholders, youth and Indigenous rights holders involved in – and affected by – mining operations and policy making. The aim is to analyze geological and societal perspectives on mining for the green transition, especially in the frame of the EU Green Deal, and to bring stakeholders into conversation beyond “greenwashing” and binary black & white perspectives.
Schooling and in particular educational media can represent an important space to create a common ground for open debate and constructive conversation between youth, environmental activists, and also companies and state actors. That’s why we would like address educational media to discuss the complex questions of green and “just” transition in the EU, leading eventually to more sustainable and socially accepted decision-making in the energy and mining sectors.


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Saxinger, Gertrude; Dr. Mag. / Universität Wien
Projektleitung intern
Kowasch, Matthias; Dr.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Universität Melbourne
2020 – 2020
Beschreibung (engl.)
Context HEUREKA explores how formal education and capacity building in community-mining industry relations can foster collaborative and consensual decision-making and mitigate conflicts. The overarching aim is to contribute to socially just and sustainable futures in mining regions. We will co-create transformational knowledge and “connect (the) minds” of stakeholders in New Caledonia as an exemplar, with global lessons for gendered and intergenerational incorporation of local and Indigenous knowledge into decision-making and good governance. Our theoretical framework integrates perspectives from geography, anthropology, education and media studies. New Caledonia will be a ‘prism’ through which we develop a global theoretical understanding of what ‘collaborative and consensual decision-making’ involves in a mining context, how powerful this concept can be and how it can be achieved. Research questions What economic, political, social and cultural components of community–company relations underpin ‘collaborative and consensual decision making’? How can Indigenous knowledge (IK), mining-related knowledge and techniques for informed participation be integrated into formal education and capacity building? How can mining companies and communities work together to integrate IK meaningfully into consultative processes and planning/production activities? What can we gain scientifically and practically from comparing mining regions internationally, in order to advance the nexus of extractive industry studies and educational sciences for informing community participation in mining-related decision making? Methods HEUREKA is driven by mixed scientific methods and meaningful stakeholder engagement, employing a community based participatory research approach, which benefits communities through secure local ownership of knowledge. Future-oriented education and capacity building will take place through joint community and stakeholder workshops, development of teaching and capacity-building materials, citizen science video-making and scientific and lay-language publications in an Online Toolkit and in print. Level of originality An innovative combination of disciplines and stakeholders will assist the relevance of our research. We will contribute to local and international political and industry fora to promote new models of sustainable resource extraction, community–company relations and decolonised education/capacity building. Participants Indigenous Kanak communities of Baco and Touaourou, Environord, Vee Caa, Lycée Michel Rocard Pouembout, Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS), Gertrude Saxinger, Matthias Kowasch, Prof. Simon Batterbury, Susan Thieme, Emma Wilson (ECW Energy Ltd.), Indigenous community researchers, postdoc researcher, two Indigenous PhD students, student assistant.


Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Fridrich, Christian; Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr.
Projektleitung intern
Fridrich, Christian; Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr. BEd Priv.-Doz.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2021 – 2024
Das Projekt wird entlang dreier Forschungsfragen entwickelt: a) Welche Ergebnisse der vor einigen Jahren durchgeführten Studie sind im Hinblick auf die derzeit geplanten Ökonomisierungen der ökonomischen Bildung für eine Feinauswertung relevant, um sie in aktuelle Kontexte zu stellen?
b) Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus für die Weiterentwicklung der ökonomischen Bildung in Österreich in Richtung einer für GW lehrplankonformen, menschenfreundlichen, pluralen, integrativen und ökonomischen Bildung?
c) Welche weiteren Maßnahmen müssen in Österreich unternommen werden, um die sozioökonomische Bildung gegenüber einer von Wirtschaftsinteressen geprägten wirtschaftlichen Bildung zu stärken?
Beschreibung (engl.)
The project is developed along three research questions: a) Which results of the study carried out a few years ago are relevant for a fine evaluation with regard to the currently planned economisations of economic education in order to place them in current contexts?
b) What consequences result from this for the further development of economic education in Austria in the direction of a human-friendly, plural, integrative and economic education that is compatible with the GW curriculum?
c) What further measures need to be taken in Austria to strengthen socio-economic education vis-à-vis economic education shaped by economic interests?


Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Seiringer, Friederike; Mag. MA
Trabe, Roland; Mag.
Projektleitung intern
Seiringer, Friederike; Mag. MA
Trabe, Roland; Mag. Prof.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2022 – 2025
Da die Schulen die einzigen Institutionen sind, die alle europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürger erreichen, ist die europapolitische Bildung in der Schule entscheidend, um die zukünftige Generation auf eine aktive Teilnahme an der EU vorzubereiten und ein friedliches Europa zu garantieren.
Der Hochschullehrgang richtet sich an Lehrerinnen und Lehrer aller Unterrichtsfächer beider Sekundarstufen, die ihre eigenen EU-Kenntnisse vertiefen wollen und neue innovative Unterrichtsmethoden für die Vermittlung von EU-Themen kennenlernen möchten, um zukünftige Generationen bestmöglich auf ihre verantwortungsvolle, aber auch kritische Rolle vorzubereiten.

„Wir einigen keine Staaten, wir bringen Menschen einander näher!“

(Jean Monnet, 1952)

Beschreibung (engl.)