BerufsschullehrerInnenIdentitäten (Vocational School Teachers) (PHT-6-C2)


Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
Projektleitung gesamt
Edlinger, Gabriela; Dr.
Projektleitung intern
Edlinger, Gabriela; Dr.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2014 – 2015
Ziel des Forschungsprojektes „BerufsschullehrerInnenIdentitäten“ ist es, eine Klassifikation handlungsbezogener Identitätsaspekte von Lehrenden im Berufsschulbereich zu entwickeln. Eine solche Erfassung und Systematisierung kann unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit in der LehrerInnenbildung finden und zugleich auch wichtiges Grundlagenwissen für weitere Forschung liefern. In Form einer ethnographischen Studie (bestehend aus teilnehmender Beobachtung, ethnographischen Interviews und Feldnotizen) wird der Arbeitsalltag von BerufsschullehrerInnen, im speziellen ihr subjektives Erleben ihres eigenen professionellen Handelns in unterschiedlichen berufsbezogenen Handlungskontexten, erforscht und dokumentiert. Somit ist das Projekt in der Professionsforschung verortet und setzt sich mittels einer induktiven, empirie-basierten Herangehensweise mit den besonderen Themen und Herausforderungen der Profession BerufsschullehrerIn auseinander.
Beschreibung (engl.)
n exploring vocational school teachers professional identities the proposed research project contributes to the study of teachers professional experiences. The vocational school teachersoccupational identities project aims at developing a classification of vocational school teachersidentities in everyday work-life situations. In addition to being a valuable theoretical contribution,the results of this project thus also have the potential to be of immediate use for teacher education. The vocational school teachers occupational identities project puts a focus on school teachers in their every work-life. By means of an ethnographic study (participant observation, ethnographic interviews and field notes) teachers subjective experiencing of their own professional practice will be explored and documented. The project is grounded in the sociology of professions and draws on state-of-the-art identity theory in general and within organization studies in particular. Furthermore, specific research on teacher identity as well as on the peculiar context of vocational schools is extensively covered. This interdisciplinary approach is one of the main strengths of the vocational school teachers occupational identities project. Apart from applying established theories on professional identity work to the scarcely researched field of vocational school teachers, the proposed research project can be expected to produce new empirical insights. If not based on discourse theory, most qualitative research is either based on single case studies or focused on the particular group of student teachers. The vocational school teachers occupational identities project adds to this research in that its ethnographic approach will generate data covering a broad range of diverse vocational school teachers experiences. Based on both, existing theory and new data, a practise-based understanding of vocational school teachers everyday identity work will be sketched.

