Digitalisation and inclusive education (DigIn); 21300001


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Besic, Edvina; HS-Prof. Mag. MSc PhD. / 6200 Institut für Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung
Projektleitung intern
Besic, Edvina; HS-Prof. Mag. PhD.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Aureli, Silvana; Dipl.-Päd. BEd Prof. / 6800 Institut für digitale Medienbildung
Holzinger, Andrea; ILn Mag. Dr. Prof. / 6100 Institut für Elementar- und Primarpädagogik
Kopp-Sixt, Silvia; MA BEd Prof. / 6100 Institut für Elementar- und Primarpädagogik
Levc, Barbara; Mag. Prof. / 6100 Institut für Elementar- und Primarpädagogik
Todorova, Katerina; MSc / 6100 Institut für Elementar- und Primarpädagogik
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Bellacicco, Rosa; / Freie Universität Bozen, Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Demo, Heidrun; / Freie Universität Bozen, Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Ianes, Dario; / Freie Universität Bozen, Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Izetbegović, Anka; / Udruženje DUGA
Kalcher, Martina; Bakk.phil. Prof. MSc Mag. Dr. / Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Graz-Seckau
Labudovikj, Rosita Petrinska; / Association for Promotion of Education, Culture, and Sport, EDUCATION FOR ALL Skopje (NMK)
Timchevska, Milica; / OOU Hristijan Karposh
Wohlhart, David; Prof. BEd / Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Graz-Seckau
2021 – 2023
To prevent the spreading of COVID-19 pandemic, most governments across the world have taken measures to close schools, resulting in distance learning. During this time, it has become clear that different school realties can impact students’ education and widen existing differences between students even more, which has brought issues of educational justice and equal opportunity to the fore.
While many schools have risen to the challenge and developed effective distance learning forms, others have fallen behind, leaving some learners without access to quality education. Studies have shown that the COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the exclusion of students with disabilities from education, showing they are least likely to benefit from distance learning. Teachers had to adapt to new pedagogical concepts and modes of delivery of teaching for which they either have not been trained in or did not have sufficient guidance or resources on how to include students with disabilities in distance learning.
Responding to this problem, the project “Digitalisation and inclusive education: Leaving no one behind in the digital era” (DigIn), will increase the participation of students with various disabilities in digital education by strengthening the profiles of teachers. The goal is to empower and professionalise teachers from various age groups and different school types not only in the field of digital education but also in inclusive education.
Beschreibung (engl.)