Reaching the ‚hard to reach


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Messiou, Kiki; Prof. BEd, MEd, MSc, PhD / Southampton Education School
Projektleitung intern
Besic, Edvina; HS-Prof. Mag. PhD.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2017 – 2020
Der Fokus des Projekts lag darin, eine der größten Herausforderungen für Lehrpersonen in ganz Europa zu untersuchen: Der Einbezug von allen Kindern im Unterricht, insbesondere von jenen, die als “schwer erreichbar” (hard to reach) gesehen werden können. Dies können sowohl Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund, Fluchterfahrung als auch mit Behinderung oder andere Kinder, die im Unterricht oftmals “übersehen” werden, sein. Um die Unterrichtspraxis zu verbessern, wurde die kooperative Aktionsforschung als Methode gewählt. Hierbei kooperierten Lehrpersonen und Schüler*innen aktiv als Forschungspartner*innen mit Universitäten.
Beschreibung (engl.)
The project builds on the findings of an earlier EU funded project “Responding to diversity by engaging with students’ voices: a strategy for teacher development” Through the earlier project a model was developed, the ‘Inclusive Inquiry’, which is a model for the development of learning and teaching in schools. The model was developed in collaboration with secondary schools. This new project aims to trial the model’s use in primary schools and to monitor the impact that such an approach has on students’ engagement and on teachers’ thinking and practices. At the same time, it involves training children as researchers to help develop inclusive practices in schools. The project uses collaborative action research as its methodology and involves three cycles. The first cycle involves the pilot phase where children, teachers and researchers will work collaboratively to train children as researchers and to implement the “Inclusive Inquiry” model. During the second cycle, five additional schools in each country will be involved in using the model in their schools whilst the partner schools will expand its use across the whole school. In the final cycle of the project all 30 schools will use the model extensively in their schools and disseminate the project’s findings to other schools in each of the countries.