Forschungsschwerpunkt: Community bike workshops


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Batterbury, Simon P.J.; Ass. Prof. Dr. / Universität Melbourne
Projektleitung intern
Kowasch, Matthias; HS-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Mateo-Babiano, Derlie; Dr. / Universität Melbourne
L’Heureux Cyclage
Universität Melbourne
2019 – 2024
This project aims to explore and compare the contribution of community bike workshops [‚bike kitchens‘ or ateliers vélos, CBWs] in Europe and Australia to creating a cycling culture, and better wellbeing and transport outcomes in different city-regions. We will use the 3Is (i.e. ideas, interests and institutions) as a comparative evaluation framework to appraise urban community bike workshops as nodes of low carbon urban transport, as contributors to individual wellbeing, better and vibrant community economies, and shapers of cycling cultures.
1. How do selected bike workshops create demand for urban cycling? How are they challenging mainstream mobilities through active urban transportation?
2. What are the major motivations of these community workshops? what political stances do they take, with what alliances?
3. Test the counterfactual: are they simply offering a service to the poor and to bike enthusiasts, permitting them to save money and build/maintain a ride?
4. Are workshops ‚prefiguring‘ the future? As many workshops transition into having salaried employees and more secure premises, are there lessons for urban practice, community economies research, and transition theory?
This project responds to several Future Cities Research Cluster objectives:
To build awareness of, and develop an external profile for, urban-focused research across faculties. This is an inter-faculty project, based on demand-side transportation and community research. It will help to build new inter-faculty contacts for collaborative research development. We will also connect urban researchers at the University to external partners.

Verlängerung: 30.09.2023 – 31.12.2024

Beschreibung (engl.)