Forschungsschwerpunkt: Secondary teachers; ZLP: Kompetenzorientiertes Unterrichten; BSCHW: Sprachliche Bildung im Kontext von Migration & Mehrsprachigkeit


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Mercer, Sarah; Univ.-Prof. Dr. , B.A. M.A. M.Sc. / Universität Graz
Projektleitung intern
Hauser, Wilma; MA Bakk. Prof.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Universität Graz
2020 – 2023
The Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences (GCMC) toolkit is an Erasmus+ project with partners in Austria, the UK, Netherlands, Italy and Germany (2020-2023). The aim is to provide online teacher development resources for secondary teachers of all subjects about how to integrate global citizenship goals and plurilingual pedagogies into their practices in a sustainable way.
Beschreibung (engl.)
The Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences (GCMC) toolkit is an Erasmus+ project with partners in Austria, the UK, Netherlands, Italy and Germany (2020-2023). The aim is to provide online teacher development resources for secondary teachers of all subjects about how to integrate global citizenship goals and plurilingual pedagogies into their practices in a sustainable way.